The Four Styles of Situational Leadership

This article discusses four different types of situational leadership styles. These types have varying attitudes on delegation and trust. Delegating is a management technique that necessitates little involvement from subordinates and employees. It is suitable when a task need specific instructions. It strengthens the bonds of trust between leaders and their teams. On the other hand, delegation places an emphasis on maximizing the circumstance rather than controlling the outcome. If you're confused which style to employ, the following is a quick summary of each.


According to Peter Foxhoven, when team members have acquired abilities and are willing to take initiative, delegation is the ideal technique. This style of leader supports and encourages team members to use their expertise to a task. A highly skilled team member has a high level of dedication and motivation. Delegation is the most effective method of assisting these team members since it enables them to work independently and accomplish their goals. However, this approach may be useless in more complicated circumstances.


Additionally, situational leadership is contingent on the attitudes and maturity levels of employees. The situational leadership paradigm identifies four distinct stages of employee development. When an employee lacks the necessary skills and motivation to do a task, they may have difficulties finishing it. Alternatively, they may be skilled but lack the willingness to carry out instructions. In any instance, the leader must offer assistance and advice. Additionally, they must be receptive to their followers' comments and develop confidence.


 Peter Foxhoven pointed out that, situational leadership is a highly adaptive type of leadership. Situational leaders modify their leadership style in response to changing circumstances, team preparedness, and individual team members. This kind of leadership is sometimes referred to as the situational leadership theory or paradigm. It was created during the creation of Management of Organizational Behavior by Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey. This technique produces an atmosphere that is more adaptive.


Situational leaders are strategic thinkers who have the ability to overcome uncertainty. They empower employees through distributing duties, establishing trust in them, and empowering them. While situational leaders are adaptable, transformational leaders demonstrate a breadth of leadership approaches. Whatever strategy they use, situational leaders are capable of bridging the divide between procedure and values while offering consistent direction to their subordinates.


In addition to Peter Foxhoven along with being adaptive and agile, situational leaders must serve as a coach to their team. They are receptive to team members' input and delegate authority to those capable of functioning autonomously. Delegating becomes increasingly critical in this circumstance as the team evolves under the situational leader's direction. The leader trains his or her team members toward self-sufficiency. This flexibility enables them to concentrate their efforts on other aspects of the firm.


Telling is the most basic kind of leadership. This approach is required for new hires and those with limited expertise. They may be unmotivated to study and may have feelings of insecurity. They adhere to instructions and are focused on work completion. While they may demonstrate a great level of devotion and expertise, they are insecure and require continuous monitoring from the boss. A leader who employs the Telling style must prioritize duties and avoid developing relationships with their employees.